This is a pretty long post, but I thought it might interest some
folks here...
In my last post about my new Taurus 62LA .22, I refinished the
wood and installed new sights, but I felt the trigger was OK as
it had a crisp 3 lb. pull, so I didn't mess with it.
I competed in my first ever .22 levergun silhouette match last
weekend and found that I really needed a much lighter trigger
for match shooting. I was concentrating more on trigger squeeze
than on my sighting, and I missed nearly half the targets.
Here's the method I used for lightening the trigger:
First disassemble the two halves of the gun using the take-down
screw. Remove the screw from the upper tang and remove the
buttstock (this is a very tight-fitting inlet, and may require
tapping the wood rearward with a soft mallet). The remaining
action components look like this:
Cock the hammer and the hammer strut will protrude from the back
of the coil mainspring seat, exposing a tiny hole in the strut.
Put a paper clip through this hole and while holding the hammer
with a thumb, pull the trigger and ease the hammer down. The
spring tension is now held by the paper clip.
There is a bushing that attaches the carrier assembly and hammer
to the trigger guard assembly. This bushing is larger on the
right side than the left, so it can only be pushed out from left
to right. It's not a tight fit, so a punch or screwdriver will
remove it. Here the bushing is pushed about half way out:
Once the bushing is removed the carrier assembly and hammer can
be seperated from the frame assembly like this:
The hammer sear notch is what we are after. There are two
notches cut into the radius of the hammer. The larger one is the
half-cock notch and doesn't require any attention. The smaller
notch is the trigger sear notch and the trigger must overcome
the depth of this notch to release the hammer. The deeper the
notch, the heavier the trigger pull required, so the trick is to
CAREFULLY stone down the notch, making it more shallow without
altering the sear angle. This pic was taken after the stoning &
If a lot of stoning is required, use a coarser stone to start
and go to progressivly finer stones to finish. Don't take too
much metal off or the hammer will not stay cocked. It's better
to take small amounts and have to disassemble and reassemble the
gun several times than to ruin the hammer by over-stoning the
notch. (Don't ask how I know this).
A final polish using a Dremel tool with a cotton buffing wheel
and buffing compound will give a mirror smooth finish. For the
stoning, I use a set of Lansky brand knife sharpening stones.
There are several grades and they are each mounted on a good
plastic handle.
Once the hammer's sear notch has been stoned and polished, set
it aside. Remember that paper clip retaining the main coil
spring? It's time to carefully pull it out of the little hole,
being sure to control the hammer strut and coil spring so they
don't fly away. Now cut one-and-a-half or two coils off the
spring (a cut-off wheel in the Dremel tool works great for
this). This is the strut and cut spring:
Polish off any roughness on the strut rod, paying particular
attention to the end which contacts the hammer. Clean it and
give it a coat of good quality grease. Now put the coil spring
back over the strut rod and using a pair of needle nose pliers,
reinstall the strut through the hole in the main spring seat and
re-insert the paper clip to once again capture the mainspring.
Clean and grease the bushing, hammer, and carrier surfaces where
they contact each other and reassemble the components.
Reassemble the buttstock and gun halves. I got lucky and wound
up with a very nice 1 1/4 lb. trigger pull on the first try.
Usually I have to take a gun apart at least 3 times to get the
pull I want!
Other Taurus and Rossi .22's of similar action may require
slightly different procedures. My Rossi Model 62 had a retaining
pin that captured the take-down screw and this had to be removed
to remove the screw. Also the hammer strut rod was round and
much more difficult to retain and reinstall. And the tiny
trigger return spring was difficult to keep in place. The Taurus
Lever Action did not give me any of these troubles.
Well, that's about it. If you read this far, I hope the post was
worthy of your time. I best do better at my next silhouette
match because now I can't blame anything about the gun!
National Rifle Association Life Member
California Rifle & Pistol Association Life Member
Howdy from Shasta County, California |