That ugly little lever on
my Puma's bolt has been driving me nuts. Just ugly and ruins my
sight picture.
Well, I finally took care of it. I removed the bolt, which by
the way was the first time I completely tore down my rifle--what
fun that was,
and had at it.
1) I first stripped the bolt of the ejector and removed the pin
that retains the safety lever and removed the lever. Remove the
pin retaining the firing pin and set the firing pin to the side.
2) I then removed the little spring and ball bearing in the
3) I then ground down the top of the lever so it would be close
to flush with the top of the bolt. I also ground off the lower
part of the safety plug so it wouldn't extend into the firing
pin guide hole and interfere with the movement of the firing
pin. This is critical.
4) I reinstalled what was left of the lever plug and pinned it
back into place. I did this to fill the hole as much as possible
and I'll discuss why later on.
Sorry I didn't take pics of everything up to this point.
5) Anyway, welded up the hole and all gaps at the top of the
bolt. Now, the advantage and importance of
reinstalling a modified lever and not simply discarding it is to
fill the hole as much as possible. What this does is requiring
the least amount of weld necessary to accomplish the filling of
the hole. The importance of this is to reduce the amount of heat
applied to the bolt. This will avoid any warping of the bolt
which would be very noticeable resulting in a rough action, if
not bad enough to render the bolt unusable or in need of some
polishing or milling to be operational. I then ground
most of the excess off fairly flush with the top of the bolt
using a 3M polishing wheel.
6) I finished the polishing by hand with 320 grit paper.
7) Took me a while but I got all traces of the original hole,
the F and S engravings, and any excess weld off the bolt while
maintaining the contour of the bolt. When you do this, be
VERY careful not to
break/round the edges of the bolt itself or the cutouts for the
locking bolts. Don't ask how I know. If you do, don't worry or
panic because as long as they aren't too bad you can keep
sanding and re-contour the bolt to clean up the damage. You're
not removing as much material as you might think you have to so
there will not be any strength lost.
8) I then cold blued the bolt using Birchwood Casey Super Blue
and test fit the bolt for smoothness and appearance.
9) I reassembled everything and now she looks as John Moses
***An afternote to this, during the
reassembly I completely removed the hammer and mainspring
without retaining/pinning the spring and hammer strut in place.
This makes reassembly difficult to say the least. Take a binder
clip and remove one of the spring clips on it. Place the spring
on the strut and insert the spring clip leg into the hole in the
end of the strut. You don't have to compress the spring and it
doesn't matter at what point in the spring you do this. The
spring clip is the exact size for the hole and it is very strong
and won't bend under the pressure of the mainspring. After this
is done, simply 'screw' the mainspring onto the strut until you
have completely compressed it. Very simple. You can leave this
in place while reassembling the lower tang and hammer and it
makes it much easier. You can leave it in place until you have
to reattach the buttstock.
"When I get to likin' someone, they ain't around long."
"I notice when you get to DISlikin' someone they ain't around
for long neither!"
"Well son, since you haven't learned to respect your elders,
it's time you
learned to respect your betters." --John Wayne |