Wayne Miller
Levergunner 2.0


257 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2006 :  10:39:26 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Howdy Gents,

A while back I posted that I had come up with a Remington Rolling Block #1 action and that I am going to build a Remington "Sporter" on it in .50-70. Last time I posted, the action itself was with a machinist friend having a stubborn screw removed and having two new trigger guard screws made up. I had also polished the small parts. Well, yesterday I finally had the opportunity (and daylight and no rain) to nitre blue the screws and pins. I think they turned out pretty well.

I have also polished the trigger guard to about a 400-grit polish and it is ready for color case hardening. That will be a ways down the road since color casing is pretty much the last thing on the list of things to do.

Here is the bare action. The color and pitting level is pretty much how the whole action looked, with a few deeper pits below the woodline and on the hammer and block.

Given the level of wear on the upper tang, I don't think I will be able to save the factory markings.

So the project continues. In the next few weeks, I will order a Green Mountain .50 caliber #4 contour barrel. I am currently draw filing the action side plates and will continue polishing them out. This whole project may take a while sine I am also just finishing up a Colt Delta Elite 10mm build and am rebuilding and refinishing a Marlin 1894C that my Dad just picked up. I'll post as I make progress!

Wayne Miller