Levergunner 3.0
512 Posts
Posted - 12/08/2005 : 07:55:12 AM Here are some pictures of the parts needed to convert the rebounding hammer to the post-64 half cock hammer with coil spring on the Winchester 94.
This is the complete tang assembly with its parts:
These are the parts you need to change to make a half cock setup. The top group is the half cock and the bottom group is the rebounding hammer parts. The parts needed are the trigger, sear, hammer, spring and strut:
These are the parts you do not need to change. They are interchangeable between the half cock and rebounding hammer:
Lower tang evolution:
Pre-64 and some early post-64 used a flat main spring and the tang has ribs on the outside that fit into slots inside the receiver. These tangs should fit into a later receiver if you file the ribs off.
Post-64 with flat mainspring and no ribs on the side of the tang. These will fit into the later receiver. These first two tangs are pictured in Ganjiro's thread:
The post-64 coil spring tangs as pictured above.
Edited by - Marc on 11/30/2007 9:12:29 PM