Levergunner 3.0


512 Posts

Posted - 12/08/2005 :  07:55:12 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Here are some pictures of the parts needed to convert the rebounding hammer to the post-64 half cock hammer with coil spring on the Winchester 94.

This is the complete tang assembly with its parts:

These are the parts you need to change to make a half cock setup. The top group is the half cock and the bottom group is the rebounding hammer parts. The parts needed are the trigger, sear, hammer, spring and strut:

These are the parts you do not need to change. They are interchangeable between the half cock and rebounding hammer:

Lower tang evolution:

Pre-64 and some early post-64 used a flat main spring and the tang has ribs on the outside that fit into slots inside the receiver. These tangs should fit into a later receiver if you file the ribs off.

Post-64 with flat mainspring and no ribs on the side of the tang. These will fit into the later receiver. These first two tangs are pictured in Ganjiro's thread:

The post-64 coil spring tangs as pictured above.

Edited by - Marc on 11/30/2007 9:12:29 PM