My .357 1894C will occasionally jam up tight. It always happens with the first round in a full magazine, and it always happens the same way. When the first shell is released from the magazine, it hangs up on the back of the loading gate, and doesn't completely clear the magazine tube. When the lifter comes up underneath the shell, it levers the shell into the upper lip of the magazine tube. You can lower the lever back down, so the lifter is not tied up. A screwdriver (or the tip of a Polish 7.62x54R 147-gr bullet) can be used to free the imprisoned shell, but this is annoying.
How to fix?
19226 Posts
Posted - 03/28/2006 : 07:44:10 AM Don't know how I missed this post! Sorry about that.
One of these should help you. If it doesn't, post up!
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