Shootist of the Decade


3756 Posts

Posted - 05/30/2006 :  08:01:21 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit JimT's Homepage  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
GOOD MORNING, Short gunners !
Regardless of the weather gods best efforts to foul our fun; we persevered, enjoyed another great day of shooting and will add nearly $3,000 to the NRA Endowment Fund we established last year in Elmer Keith's name. Oh yes, the Soon-to-be-Famous Bar-B-Q Pork Ribs came out of Terry Roger's S&W smokers nearly as good as they have from my Dutch Ovens in years past.

Improving conditions throughout the day made shooting nearly pleasant by the time we began taking our turns with a dozen for score. The four targets that had been set from 25 to 60 yards for the young or near sighted remained in nearly pristine condition. Folks come here to shoot far, that's quite certain.

Ray Gunn was top gun again with a Ruger 454 he used to call and hit the 6" plate five times plus a couple more assorted scores. Mike Goldbach was close on his heels with his S&W 657, but hit the bar between the plates a few times counting as misses; a target design flaw begging a fix.

Nearly everyone choose the Classic Keith Sitting Position as their preferred platform rather than the "virtual log" Ace Fernandez had so laboriously constructed. Perhaps wet ground had something to do it.

A few days earlier, Nate Kjack, high point shooter of EKMS #1 at the tender age of 12, was over to put the grounds in order. He began plinking with a S&W Performance Center Model 29 and Pro-Load 200 grain Tactical Ammunition, connecting on the unpainted targets about 90% of the time. Alas, love had stricken his young heart, causing him to attend his beloved's birthday party, rather than demonstrating his proficiency among us this day. Nate's dad, Larry Kjack, needs a little more practice with his 38 Special.

Our success was aided by a number of generous sponsors, including: Randy Emtman of Emtman Brothers Farms who provided the Piedmontese beef for our lunch and a Variety Pack for our auction; Terry Rogers of All American Arms who made arrangements to secure the S&W Fiftieth Anniversary Model 29 as well as spending the day preparing ribs; Dan Severns of Intermountain Metal Craft contributed an amazing example of his wildlife art made from a steel saw blade; Don Lee of Steelco Industrial Lubricants gave books by Elmer Keith again this year and Robin Ball of Sharp Shooting Indoor Range and Gun Shop cleaned out her closets of items that were hot on the silent auction table. Randy Luth of DPMS made two AR Barrel Assemblies available to us again this year.

In addition, John Koppel of Pro-Load Ammunition gave us one of the last remaining cases of his premium 44 Magnum Game Stopper ammunition; David Jones of Smith and Wesson gave us caps and t-shirts in addition to helping secure the Model 29 and Donny Shride of Rainier Ballistics provided a large supply of his highly desirable bullets to sample.

There was also significant help from a growing number of our friends in the gun writing business. Dave Workman of GUN WEEK, a participant in our shoot the past two years, gave copies of the latest edition of his "must have" work, WASHINGTON STATE GUN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Sheriff Jim Wilson of SHOOTING TIMES made copies of his c/d, BORDER BRAVO available to us and John Taffin of FMG Publications, publisher of AMERICAN HANDGUNNER provided copies of his latest book, SINGLE ACTION SIXGUNS.

Sheriff Wilson told me he'll try to come next year and if he does, he'll sing. He also wants to bring a couple of friends you'll recognize and want to meet. Mark your calendars for May 19, 2007. We may move back to the 12th if we conflict with the NRA meeting again.

Putting this event together becomes a little easier each year because so many people know what needs to be done, organize those available and simply do it. We all owe our greatest gratitude to our Chief Range Officer, Gene Clow, who maintained a safe, courteous and well organized range throughout the day. He was ably assisted by Ace Fernandez, Al Fernandez, Ron Behrens, Dick Jones, Henry Chapman and Bud Hyett. Peter Ice took charge of the auction items, artfully finding new homes for nearly all with the talented assistance of Mackenzie and Morgan DeRuyter.

A scrumptious "south of the border" lunch was prepared by Smiley and Tonja Hatcher that undoubtedly sharpened the shooting eyes of all who later lined up their sights on distant steel. So efficient was he that a scalloped potato dish prepared in a Dutch oven so Joe Parry had only to light a fire at an appointed time in the afternoon had folks sneaking back for second and third helpings at dinner.
Speaking of dinner, Terry and Matt Rogers set up their dueling 44 Magnum and 38 Special Smith & Wesson Smokers while the morning clouds were still wet to begin preparing the Soon-to-be-Famous Bar-B-Q Country Style Pork Ribs. In addition to the ribs, Terry brought several Costco packs of chicken thighs, his specialty. Together with the many "pot luck" dishes added to the mix, made dinner a "teach your stomach who's boss" event.

Beginning a week in advance, Ed and Joe Parry helped set and paint targets as well as mow grass around them. As this is written, Ed is sequestered somewhere working feverishly on the championship certificate each shooter will frame and display in the most politically incorrect location possible. The entrances to Boeing Company cubicles and among a liberal daughter's wedding photos have worked well in the past.

Incidentally, the tall fellow in the blue rain suit, white socks and sandals who met you as you drove in to the property was Alan Olsen, the Official Greeter. He was especially helpful this year in getting everyone oriented as they arrived, since the highway department had given the place a facelift. Mike Thyng was the other guy running around in white socks and sandals. He played this year, but plans to break a sweat next. Rod Hendry is his "straight man." Mike and Rod did make a run to town for muffins to complement the coffee provided by David and Andrea Walter during the first cold, drizzly hours of the day.

When the idea for the first Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot was embryonic, I decided I could send an annual contribution to the NRA, one of the causes I believe most worthy, or use an equivalent amount to sponsor this event, thereby multiplying the effect. Over the years, that has worked out to a factor of about ten. It's been a lot more fun, too. I am grateful to each of you who have supported it with contributions as well as those who have participated and enthusiastically contributed financially. The future of our nation and our sports, I believe, are a bit more secure for our efforts.

In addition to the memory of Elmer Keith and his innumerable contributions to firearms and the many activities we enjoy as a result of them, there are two more who need be be remembered as I wrap this up. You undoubtedly noticed the absence of Bob Coval and Mark Schmidt. Both passed away late last year. As we memorialize our fallen heroes this weekend, perhaps we can also add a word for these two gentlemen whose friendship we have enjoyed in the past.
Looking forward to seeing you next year,

Will DeRuyter
(509) 443-0199
(206) 953-5408

Advanced Levergunner


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Posted - 05/30/2006 :  11:03:46 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
MAY 19 or 12 I writting that down on a post-it right now.....
Great write up!!
What was the distance to the 6" plate?

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”

~ Teddy Roosevelt

Edited by - wcf3030 on 05/30/2006 11:12:22 AM
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Levergunner 3.0


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Posted - 05/30/2006 :  5:45:52 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Click to see 4fingermick's MSN Messenger address  Send 4fingermick a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Come on guys, an Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot and not one big hat to be seen? You can do better than that.

"I'd say that's bold talk for a four fingered fat man!"
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George T. Tatom
Advanced Levergunner


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Posted - 05/30/2006 :  9:23:03 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Where is this shoot held?

It looks like a fun time!

Geo. T.

NRA Endowment Member
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44 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2007 :  08:01:17 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Where is this shoot held?

It looks like a fun time!

NRA Life Member...

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Pepe Ray
Levergunner 2.0


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Posted - 08/19/2007 :  8:45:59 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Send Pepe Ray an AOL message  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Looks like no one's talkin' to ya,Cat.
Maybe we hafta be one of the "IN" crowd.
Anyhow ,It's prolly way too far for us to travel.
Pepe Ray
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Joe Reilly
Levergunner 2.0


133 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2007 :  8:51:25 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

It is held near Spokane WA.

NRA Life Member
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