Advertising/posting that you have guns for sale or for trade or are wanting the same with the specifics including photos (please keep to no more than 600 pixels in width) ARE permitted. We request that you use the "Classifieds Forum" for this purpose. We ask that you post in the following manner:

In the topic you should begin with the following abbreviation:

FS = For Sale
WTT = Wanted to Trade
WTB = Wanted to Buy

followed by a short description such as "1895 Winchester .38-72 Rifle"

All transfers are expected to be done in accordance with applicable state, federal and international law.

Items do not need to be on topic, i.e. leverguns, but of course it would be preferred. Photos are preferred.

If you would like to push your item back to the top we ask that you do a BTT post on your original post not new/additional posts. Duplicate posts will be deleted. It is possible that we could delete the original while doing that (although that is NOT our intention).

I should also point out that the owners are in no way involved in these transactions other than permitting you to post here BUT the membership will remember who does right and are persistently vociferous in attacking anyone who doesn't do a fair deal. They will be like a hair in a biscuit for anyone that violates those expectations.

